Tuesday, February 7, 2012

When Do You Tweet? Visualize It!


You can dynamically generate a chart like the one above to show the density of tweets for any twitter account by time of day and day of week.  The different circle shadings also show the number of tweets, replies and retweets.  Create your own charts at xefer.com.

I like how this simple shart show so many dimmensions simultaneously.  The bar chart on the left shows number of tweets, replies and retweets for each day of the week.  The bar chart on the bottom shows the same by Day of Week, and the circles in the middle represent each hour of the week.  Through this we can see that the FEMA director (@craigatfema) tweeks almost exclusively on weekdays between 7 AM and 6 PM.

Job Growth In the US

Though entirely political in message.  This animated ad is one of the better uses of data that I've seen that is targetted to the mainstream US public.   I saw this ad as a side-bar on cnn.com and wish I could embed the full flash version which shows the lines for the unemployment rate going down in red, and then changing to white when Obama enters office and climbing steadily over time.

Statistics can be dangerous in elections (because they are so often wrong, or make the politician seem wooden like Al Gore), but in this case I think it may resonate.  What do you think?  The ad links to a page showing a more detailed chart / ad for Obama.