Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jobs Lost Under Bush and Obama

This interesting chart shows the number of jobs lost under Bush and Obama administrations. Many politicians, but few economists, would suggest a direct correlation between the change of administrations and the change in the jobs picture. But still, and interesting perspective. Chart from Business Insider.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Life Expectancy by Income Level

This Gapminder Chart shows a variety of factors in one chart:

  • Life expectancy at birth
  • GDP per person
  • Continent (color coded)
  • Country population (size of circle)

Of note: Zimbabwe is lowest in terms of both life expectancy and GDP per person. Neighboring South Africa is much richer, but the life expectancy is still very low.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Browser Wars

This extremely creative chart shows the rise and fall of Web browsers since 2002. Each browser is represented by a soldier, some of whom are still standing, and some who have fallen to the browser wars. Thanks to SimpleComplexity.com for the link.
This chart combines art with data by showing the data as a train of blood for fallen soldiers, or a waving flag for those still surviving. I also love how the shields show the browser logo on them.
Know of any other charts similar to this? If so leave a comment.